Saturday, July 30, 2011

Just wanted to share ...

Chad always says that I post too much online, but I just feel like I need to explain the obvious. I'm looking at pictures from Tyler's party, and it's fairly obvious that I've gained a lot of weight since Grayson has been born. I just want my friends and family to understand what is going on with my health.

I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My TSH level should be .3-5.1. However, mine is 49.2. The doctor said it's an autoimmune disease where I produce an antibody that shuts down my thyroid. The antibody, Thyroid peroxisade AB, should be less than 35. Mine is 740! There is nothing I can do about the high level of antibody. It will always be there, which means I will be dealing with hypothyroidism for the rest of my life. The doctor started my treatment last week, which involves setting an alarm and taking a pill at the same time every day. I go back for blood work again in 3 weeks, followed by more tests several weeks later. We continue the process until I establish a healthy thyroid level.

At my current levels, I am gaining almost a pound a day! It's just insane to me, and I am really struggling with the effects, both physically and emotionally. 

Additionally, I have been struggling with some post-baby emotional issues (as well as a recurrence of my migraines). The doctors are trying to regulate my hormones, which are causing an array of symptoms. Thus far, I've tried four different medications. Hopefully, that will level out soon.

I know this is probably more information that anyone really needs to know. It's a difficult time for me, and I'm not sure I have vocalized that to everyone. I would just really appreciate understanding, support and prayers. Thank you, friends.


  1. Oh Heather, thanks for sharing! Sorry you are going through all this, but know we will be praying for you!

  2. I'm so glad you shared, and I'll be praying for you, girl! That's no fun...hopefully things will come under control soon. Love you!

  3. Hey! I saw on your FB that you had a blog and now I'm totally blog-stalking you. ;) So sorry to hear about your health issues... It's a good thing that babies are cute 'cause they wreak havoc on us mamas! I had A LOT of hypothyroid issues during my pregnancy and after Mason was born as well - it stinks. Anyway, enjoy
    Those sweet boys... Praying you're feeling like your old self again soon!
    ;) Andrea
