Sunday, August 15, 2010

12 months of tyler aaron

Again, a little behind with the posts! Here are a couple new stats for Tyler on this big milestone month!

Doctor appointment
Height: 29 1/2 inches, 60th percentile
Weight: 20.8 pounds, 25th percentile
Head: 18 inches, 25th percentile

He's a finicky walker, some days he'll take off and walk 12-15 steps. Then, he won't try again for a day or two. He's been crawling since he was 7 months, so I'm wondering if that's just too much of a comfort zone.

Tyler hasn't really learned any new words, other than the "mabaaml" sound he makes which I think means milk or bite. 

Speaking of milk, we are completely weaned from the bottle. It was hard at first, but after two days, he figured it out. Within a week, we were packing away the bottles and not looking back. In the beginning, we were adding a little strawberry syrup (thanks for the suggestion Leanne) to his milk, but now he can drink it plain!

There aren't really that many new developments. My little guy is just growing up, getting more of a personality and having so much fun along the way!

1 comment:

  1. YAY, so glad he's completely off the bottles and onto the sippy cup!
