Our doctor, Dr. Haddock, was great today. She sympathized with me and calmly explained that the next couple weeks were going to be very rough. She knows I'm extremely uncomfortable and that I'll soon be in tons of pain again. But ... I am excited about this part because ... SHE TOOK ME OFF THE ANTI-CONTRACTION MEDICATION and BED REST! She feels comfortable enough to let him come! So now, we just wait for labor to start!! I am 1 cm. dilated, and Tyler has dropped. He hasn't engaged yet, but his head is definitely down.
We have our last growth sonogram on Monday. From that point, she'll be able to make a better estimate of his impending arrival. She did tell us today, however, that if labor hasn't started by August 14, she'll intervene. (Don't panic about pitocin or a c-section! We trust our great doctor, and we are sure she has Baby Tyler's best interest in mind. As she always says, "it doesn't matter how it happens. The end result is the exact same", and her "job is to deliver a healthy baby!")
Off I go to wait for more contractions... let's all pray we have a July baby!
Here are some candid moments from 2 weeks of bed rest: