Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tyler's 18-month well check

Tyler is officially a year and a half old. I know that every mom says this, but I still can't believe how quickly he is growing. He's definitely becoming more of a toddler during this 18-month milestone. He runs, climbs up anything (including things we won't mention for fear of a CPS investigation) and legitimately plays with his toys. However, his favorite activity remains the same ...

Little boy still loves to read. He sits in his reading chair in his room for 30-40 minutes at a time, reading all of his books. He picks each one out of his basket, "reads" it out loud, tosses it on the ground and gets the next book. He does this process until he has read all the books. Then, he gets down, picks them (or most of them) back up and puts them in the basket for the next time. He'll even sit in the living room and read Daddy's magazines, Mommy's decorating books and our Bibles and books from our bedroom nightstands. We have books in every room of the house, and we spend a vast majority of the day reading the already-memorized stories. He learns a lot from them, as we are noticing he is picking up several words from his favorite stories.

Speaking of words, Tyler is talking a lot these days. Here is a list of words he knows:
(I'm sure there are more that I can't remember right now)  
  1. Mommy
  2. Mama
  3. Daddy
  4. Dada
  5. Baby
  6. Girl
  7. Cow
  8. Moo (sound a cow makes)
  9. Puppy
  10. Hippo
  11. Bebo (a belly button on a hippo, from his book)
  12. Fish
  13. Car
  14. Vroom Vroom (sound a car makes)
  15. Truck
  16. Ball
  17. Happy
  18. More
  19. All done
  20. Uh oh
  21. Apple
  22. Milk
  23. Cracker
  24. Yum yum 
  25. Up (which means that he wants to play upstairs)
The doctor was very impressed with his vocabulary and said that babies are only expected to know a couple words at 18 months. As mentioned, we went for Tyler's 18-month well check yesterday. (Tyler was actually very sick with a stomach virus, but that's another story.)  Dr. Alvis said that Tyler is right on track, hitting all of his developmental milestones. And our little climbing athlete is ahead in his motor skills.

As far as growth, he is definitely decelerating on the curve. The doctor said Tyler started to level off at 6 months and has continued to slowly decline in percentiles. The doctor is not worried, just says it is typical of very large babies. They start out huge (Tyler was 8 lbs 15 oz at birth, which was 3 + weeks early, and he was in the 95th and 75th percentiles for months). Now, he is leveling off to where he should be and may continue to remain. All that to say, he's our skinny little boy. No wonder I'm still buying him size 12-18 month jeans! Here are his stats:

Weight: 23 lbs. 3 oz --- 15th percentile
Height: 32 3/4 in. --- 62nd percentile
Head circumference: 18 1/2 --- 27th percentile

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