Monday, November 29, 2010

God healed us!

I believe in the power of prayer, now more than ever!

We went to the doctor this morning, fully prepared to be admitted into the hospital. We left Tyler at Adventure Kids Playcare with the carseat and meals for the rest of the day. I was planning for the worst, but very optimistic that God heard our cries and healed me.

The doctor, whom I love immensely, came in to hear all that had happened over the last week. There are numerous medical treatments she could do, and she was hopeful I would carry Grayson full term. She started with the least aggressive approach today, prescribing anti-contraction medication to take every four hours.

I saw the sonographer immediately afterward, who rechecked my cervical length. She reviewed the two tests that had been done in the hospital, which had both come out that my cervix had shortened to 2.8 centimeters (3.5-4 cm is healthy). She started the test and immediately said, "oh, your cervix is fine. It's completely normal." It measured between 3.5 and 3.7 cm.

I still have to go back to have my cervix rechecked every two weeks, since it can shorten and lengthen very quickly. And I must take it very easy, but I am off official bed rest.

Thank you to each of you who lifted our family up in your prayers. I am beyond grateful to God for protecting us. And as a friend told me, God knows the number of Grayson's days, which includes the day they will start. I have faith that his plan includes a healthy birthday for our little boy.

I know it's weird, but we were so excited today that we took pictures of the test results. Here's my healthy cervix. :)