Wednesday, March 3, 2010

growing up and growing teeth

It seems like every day brings a first for Tyler! I am humbled by the wonder in his eyes when he sees or does something new.

He got his first little baby tooth last Thursday! I didn't even notice it until I was letting him borrow my finger as a "chew toy," and suddenly it hurt. I inspected his mouth and found the tip of his little white weapon.

On Sunday, we took Tyler to church and left him in the preschool for the first time. I ran back twice to check on him and "leave my cell phone number in case of emergency," as I explained to the teacher who laughed at me. I made it though a never-ending 40 minutes and rushed back to get him before the close of the sermon. The teachers said that Tyler sat on the floor and watched all the other babies cry. He wasn't quiet sure what to make of all their fussing!

We also went to daddy's first softball game! Chad started a new softball league, first one since we were just dating in 2004-05. Chad loved playing again, and Tyler enjoyed watching ... as much as he could have while bundled up in the Baby Bjorn, a coat and two blankets. It was cold, and I'm overprotective. I'll just admit it!

Tyler had a major growth spurt last weekend, just in time for his 7-month birthday. Out of the blue, he started eating, eating, eating and eating more. After an emergency, late-night trip to buy formula, we woke up the next morning to find that Tyler would no longer fit in his clothes or diapers. And now we are in size 4 diapers and 12 month pajamas. I need a pause button on this baby. I'm not ready to shop in the toddler section

And just to make sure we heard his loud declaration of "un-babyhood," Tyler showed mommy that he knows how to slap. It's his new favorite thing to do during feedings. He has also started objecting to naps and (never thought I'd say this) ... the jumperoo! The days on endless enjoyment from bouncing up and down have been replaced with attempts at belly-lifting and backwards scooting. He's also been working on his hand-eye coordination, specifically the hand-to-diaper maneuver where he pulls off the sticky tabs just as I get the diaper perfectly positioned.

I quickly forgive Tyler for all the quirky baby things. He's adorable, and I love him infinitely. He must love me too, because he's started calling for me. It goes something like this, "uuuummmm ma."

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